Amazon Smile

With Amazon Smile, a portion of each of your purchases on Amazon is donated to A.C.T.S.   Select The Nathaniel J. Williams Foundation, shop Amazon Smile, and the rest will happen automatically.

Visit Amazon Smile and select the Nathaniel J Williams Foundation as your charity.

Amazon Wish List

If you would like to see our wish list, visit

Nathaniel J Williams Foundation Wish List

If you prefer to donate product, then shopping for us is just a few clicks away!   Items from our wish list may be shipped to:  Assistance Canine Training Services, 373 Green Hill Rd., Center Conway, NH 03813



Volunteer Opportunities:

Puppy Raiser:  Puppy Raisers foster and train our Service Dogs in Training for 6 months to a year.  Puppy Raisers are the heart of the organization, giving their time to raising and training a service dog puppy.

Aunties & Uncles:  Aunties and Uncles help Puppy Raisers by taking puppies while they are on vacation, by handling puppies during practice sessions, by transporting puppies, and by working with puppies on specific skills. Autites & Uncles are required to attend some training classes before they are cleared to take our dogs out in public.

Big Brothers & Big Sisters:  Big Brothers and Big Sisters follow their assigned puppy as the puppy makes his way through the program.  Big Brothers & Big Sisters help facilitate communication between the trainers and administrators and the puppy raisers.  They serve as peer support for all the volunteers involved with their individual puppy, keeping track of reports, paperwork, veterinary visits, equipment, progress reports, evaluations, breeder updates, and anything that effects the progress of each puppy.

Event Volunteers  & Event Committee Members.  Event Volunteers work at events assisting in a variety of ways.  Event Committee Members help organize and plan events, and assist during the events where needed.

Puppy Taxi:  Puppy Taxi drivers transport puppies and dogs from one destination to another.  This may be a long overnight trip or a short trip to the vet.

Canine Caretaker:  Canine Caretakers fill in by caring for puppies while raisers are on vacation or when we need a temporary home for a dog.

 Apply to be a Puppy Raiser

Apply to be an Auntie, Uncle, Big Brother, Big Sister, Puppy Taxi, Canine Caretaker, or General Volunteer

Spread the Word

By following us on Facebook, and helping to spread the word, you are keeping our vision active and alive.  Join our Facebook page and follow our puppies and events.  We would love to have you as a "friend".

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